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Topics - soupdragon

Pages: [1]
Bought Mach4 and a 424+407 (build3804) and spent a week trying to get it to work but with no luck.
Cant get 'Ref all Axes' to work. X does home but on hitting the limit switch maching retracts and goes into 'Disabled' mode and stops.
Goto work Zero doesn't work at all - no movement, machine goes to 'Disabled'
Probing - Z moves but on touching plate maching goes to 'Disabled' and that's the end of that, same with corners.
Havn't even bothered with the 407.
Viewed a post which recommended reverting to build 3390. Did that and the only bit that changed was the the 'Goto Work Zero' works, all else the same.

So it seems that the software keeps tripping into 'disabled' mode.

Thought I was upgrading from my Duet board but now I think I'll revert to it...

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