Author Topic: Basic information about set up.  (Read 7288 times)


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Basic information about set up.
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:09:30 PM »
I have a home built CNC 5' sq. and working now just fine - for multiple reasons I would like to change from a parallel port using a Xylotex system to a newer computer using a usb and need help to understand what I will need to do this.

Things that I will need the new system to be able to do -
Run 4 motors, 2 slaved together - I understand that the slaving will be done in Mach4.
Limit switches - limits and 3 home switches, touch plate, Emergency Stop.

Things that I would like it to do - spindle on & off - a few more slots to grow with.

Thinking about using - PMDX 416 & PMDX 407.

My basic understanding - I have a computer with Mach4 on it with a USB connector, and using PMDX 416 & PMDX 407 - do I need anything else to connect to the CNC?
Appreciate any help understanding the connection set up.

Steve Stallings

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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 05:39:52 PM »
You did not mention if you still wanted to use the Xylotex motor drivers. You
can do that, or upgrade. If you upgrade you will need the new motor drivers
and a power supply for them.

The PMDX-416 has a total of 5 inputs, which can accomplish 3 home switches,
E-Stop, and a touch plate. You mentioned more slots to grow with, and the
PMDX-416 cannot get there. The PMDX-424 provides 9 inputs counting E-Stop.

You mentioned On/Off control of the spindle. If that is all you need, then you
do not need the PMDX-407 which is used when computer control of variable
speed from a VFD driven spindle is needed.

For a more complete comparison of our various SmartBOB boards see:
Steve Stallings


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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2016, 11:56:01 PM »
Thanks for the great information - last question if I replaced the motor drivers what would recommend?

Steve Stallings

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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 08:14:09 AM »
To make a recommendation I would need to know your
motor specifications or model number, and if you are
satisfied with them.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2016, 01:38:34 PM »
Thank you for the help.


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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2016, 11:54:09 AM »
I would like to ask for your recommendations on the equipment I should buy, I would like to buy new drivers and if I have to I can replace the motors as well.

The drivers and motors that I have now seem to work well but I do not have enough knowledge to know the difference.

The motors that I am using on the CNC now are Nema 23 Motors - 40V 4.0A Drive Box with Four 4.0A 425

The equipment that I am thinking about buying from you -
PMDX - 424
PMDX - 407
PMDX - 179-PAN

I would like your recommendations on the motherboard & the Gecko drivers as well.

I am not a electronics expert but I can put parts together and follow plans do you see that this will be doable for my level of skills?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Steve Stallings

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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2016, 12:47:03 PM »
The 425 oz-in motors that you currently have are possibly a little
underpowered for a 4' x 4' router depending on how fast and hard
you need to cut. Hopefully this is a gantry machine with a tandem
setup moving the gantry.

More powerful motors would require upgrading to a NEMA 34 or
to NEMA 23 oversize 60 mm motors which typically have a 3/8"
shaft instead of a 1/4" shaft. For this reason I would recommend
running your machine for a while before deciding to upgrade the

Likewise upgrading your driver box will not significantly change
things because it is already well matched to the motors and
delivers the full 4 amperes that the motors can take.

The PMDX-424 has a ribbon header that can be used to connect
the step and direction signals to the Xylotex box with the
PMDX-DB25Ribbon, PMDX-DB25Ribbon-18 cable, or equivalent.

The home and limit switches would connect to the PMDX-424 directly.

The PMDX-407 would supply signals to control a VFD inverter to
run a high speed spindle. If you are using a regular Bosch, Porter
Cable, or other manual style router then you do not need the
PMDX-407 since computer control of these routers is not typically

The PMDX-179 is a nice touch, but it is optional.

If you decide that you later need to upgrade your motors and
drivers, the PMDX-424 can interface to many types of drivers
including the Geckos.

When you are unsure of how to wire things, we recommend
that you read and try to understand examples, then ask us
questions where you cannot find examples or data sheets.
Then try to draw your own wiring diagram and send it to us.
This will allow us to make sure that your wiring is valid and
more importantly, that you understand your wiring instead
of having us assume that you have followed a diagram that
was provided to you.
Steve Stallings


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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2016, 05:38:32 PM »
Thanks Steve - this is great information that I will hold onto to, but for now I will move forward with your idea of connecting to the Xylotex box - I had planned on opening up the Xylotex box this weekend.
The CNC has been a wonderful project to work on, and I have managed to master all of the problems along the way with all of the great help in the CNC community.


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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2016, 06:50:14 PM »
Last question - if you were starting to build a control box from scratch would you buy the PMDX-424AC or PMDX-424DC and briefly your reason.
Thank you for your advise.

Steve Stallings

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Re: Basic information about set up.
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2016, 08:20:04 PM »
I would us the standard AC version of the PMDX-424 if building
a new control box. It is simple and less expensive.

The DC version is typically used when retrofitting a large machine
that already has a lot of 24 VDC power relays and such, and there
is a desire to not have higher AC voltages running around in the
control wiring.
Steve Stallings