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Messages - iborg

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Starting from scratch
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:49:02 PM »
Any suggestions for stepper motors? I'm guessing NEMA 34's but beyond that are bi-polar. Any more info?

General Discussion / Re: Starting from scratch
« on: July 22, 2016, 01:18:19 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

Could I use one PDMX-407 to control multiple machines both functioning at one time?

Could I use one computer to control everything?

What are the computer specs needed?

General Discussion / Starting from scratch
« on: July 22, 2016, 10:56:59 AM »
I've used Sherline manual equipment for several years. To have the ability to make multiple duplicates, I'd like to move into CNC equipment. My previous Sherline equipment was damaged in a fire so I'm literally starting from scratch.

I'm considering the following equipment:

A 4400 lathe
A 5400 mill
a 2000 mill
a Sherline rotary table.

Source steppers from another source
a PDMX board to be determined

I'm unsure what computers to buy. I'm guessing I'll need one for each machine to work reliably.

Fuison 360 software

I'm I off base? Is this a workable package?


Pages: [1]