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Topics - administrator

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This topic is for discussion of complete, self-contained controllers that are ready to use.

This area is for discussion of all those accessories that work with our boards to build a complete system.
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Show and Tell / Welcome to Show and Tell
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:48:11 PM »
This area is provided for users to tell us about their projects. Discussions of how to implement machines that are not directly related to PMDX products should also be place here. One example would be showing how you managed to get one motor to drive both sides of a gantry.

This area is for discussing circuit boards that are used with our controllers and breakout boards without being specific to one particular controller or breakout board.

This section of the forum is specifically intended for PMDX products that interface to the host using parallel port communications. This includes situations where the PMDX board uses its parallel port to connect to the emulated parallel ports of a device such as the SmoothStepper or PMDX-410. Accessory boards that are made to specifically work with our parallel port breakout boards are included.

General Discussion / Welcome to the General Discussion area of our forum.
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:27:44 PM »
This area is for discussion of subjects not covered by other specific sections. Please post messages about our boards and other products in the sections provided.

This section of the forum is specifically intended for PMDX products that interface to the host using USB communications. The first product in this category will be the PMDX-422, with others to follow.

Rules and Moderation / How we plan to run this board
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:31:05 PM »
The PMDX Tech Support and Users Forum is intended to help improve our products and your experience with them.

Please do ask questions and provide answers about PMDX products in the proper sections of this forum.

Please do not discuss politics, religion, and other off topic subjects.

Please treat everyone with respect. Disagreeing with someone on the basis of matters related to building CNC systems is fine. Attacking someone personally because you disagree with them is not permitted on this forum.

This forum will be monitored by PMDX. Posts may be moved to keep them in the relevant section of the forum or may have supplemental comments added to alert readers to technical corrections. Posts that violate the rules about off topic subjects and personal attacks will be removed.

We may from time to time create temporary boards while testing products or forum ideas. These boards may be deleted when their purpose has been served.

Please do not use private messages to the administrator to request technical support. The purpose of a forum is to share information and private messages defeat that purpose. There are hundreds of people on this forum who may be able to answer your question if you share it here.

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