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Messages - Vic100

Pages: [1]
To the writer of the first reply message:

I managed to find the Pin numbers as per my last message. I started mapping the board on 3.0 LED's diagram. I managed  to find J5, J6, and the motor connections but could not find the rest of "J" location. After my first mistake, all I can say is,  could not find them but maybe they are there some where. Please enlighten me where they are.

Vic 100

My apologies to the writer of the first reply email. After looking harder at Diagram 3.0 Leds I did find the pins number. Please accept my apology and write if off as a mistake by a newbie. Thank you for your help,

Thank for your reply.

The only diagram of the board I can find is 3.0 LEDS in the user manual, therefore, all your pin references mean very little to me. Please do not take this badly but a wiring diagram showing how each of the components that are needed for the CNC machine are  wired in the system would be very much more helpful. For example, you say Pin 17 is used for what ever. Well Pin 17 is not labeled on the board or any diagram I could find so I can not wire Pin 17 as I don't known where it is. This is a newbie type of problem and I am afraid I am a newbie.

Thank you for your help, past & future,

Hi Everyone,

I am a new CNC user and I bought the above board. I would like to wire it up to my cnc machine but would need a wiring diagram. Can anyone help me out and tell me where I can find this information.

Thank you,

Hi everyone,

I am new to CNCing and I have bought the above board to use with Mach4 Hobby program. What i can not seem to find is a wiring diagram between the board and the cnc machine along with all components needed to operate the cnc machine e.g. power supplies, limit switches, etc. Can anyone help me out and tell me where I can find this information.

Thank you,

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